⚠️WARNING: This app will not work if your mobile device doesn't support TLSv1.2⚠️
⚠️In some other cases this app will not work because your network configuration are obsolete or not properly set.
⚠️Please test if your device can reach Telegram API. If it doesn't work there's nothing we can do.. sorry.
🤖 Simply create a Telegram Bot using your mobile device 🤖
1️⃣ Open Telegram and go to @BotFather. Create a new bot and get the token. If you already got a bot retrieve your bot token⏳
2️⃣ After you retrieved your bot token click on 'ADD A BOT' in the main page⏳
3️⃣ Insert your bot token and add a name for it⏳
4️⃣ From the main page click on 'MY BOTS' and select the bot you want to add commands for⏳
5️⃣ In this page you will see all the commands you added for the bot if there is any. You can add a new command by clicking on 'ADD ACTION'⏳
User choose a message (COMMAND) on your telegram bot page, when the command is recognized the user will get back the corresponding answer you chose.
➡️Did you find an issue ❓
Please notice this app might not work properly on some devices. This is usually caused by OS policy for battery saving or Booster App which may kill the process that makes your bot work.